Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sorry the pictures didn't connect with the are the neighbors, first with Annette and the
blinies and then with Morrie and I. On Thurs. evening we went to a concert at the American library
and the group was from the U.S., called "Neighborliness". Has a nice ring to it!
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Ivan finishes Winter

Zdrasvootsya Comrades,
Yesterday brought the end to W and the beginning of Spring. Two years ago today when we arrived Vlad had the biggest Spring snow in 133 years so we will see how this goes.
Yesterday our neighbors brought over a bowl of Blini's (thin pancakes) stuffed with apples and meat-not mixed. That is traditional for this holiday. They, Sergey and Ellie (Elvira) have one 9 yr. old daughter. I think they are pretty typical of the more modern Russian. They are the ones that were attacked the other night. The newsman is an old school mate of hers. He has called since and wanted to know if the Ameriki's are alright, not scared. We had a nice visit with them. His Eng. is ok and she understands much of what is said.
He is an unemployed diver and she works for the power company. They said because of the rough economics many are leaving Vlad to go to Moscow and ST. Petersburg. Many poor from Uzbek, China etc. are filling in and taking over all the lower paying jobs. Also the criminals that were sent to jail 10 years ago during those horrible days of the Soviet breakup are now finishing up their 10 year sentences and have the locals very nervous.
This week I hope to connect up with their daughter's school (right next door), a tech Uni. and a gifted school (I think International Baccalaureate), along with 8-10 classes at my present uni. Still no Eng. club for Annette and I to start-no room during the day.
Jan, Karyn and Annette continue to get surprise schedule changes everyday they go for Russian lessons. Mainly a lack of classrooms. They purchased a white board and markers for the Uni. so their teacher can write on something.
Meeting was small today but wonderful-just Jan and I.
Paka paka Ivan Morrie

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ivan Ivanovich

Privyet Moi Droogs,
Hello my friends,
Well life here in Vlad is taking on a whole new meaning now that I am working with more students and the girls are settling into their classes. Lots of Russian being spoken around here. Opps, did I use the words "settling in"? I must have forgotten that this is "Russia". Things don't settle in, you just get another lesson on Patience. My new word, "sovdepia". I had asked some students why the stairs came in so many heights and widths. Sovdepia, it is one of many things that remind us of Soviet times. A .....Opps again, the TV news crew (KGBTV) just got here. I'll explain later. They are filming me typing now. Yikes.
Ok, the story. Jan originally told me not to write home, someone might get upset, but. Two Mondays ago, at about 1:30am we awoke to loud yelling and banging near our door. I jumped up and listened at the door. Then there was banging on our door and a lady began screaming and wailing. Several people were yelling and running up and down the stairs. I watched the police arrive and 3 ran in with guns drawn, one machine gun. Later two more police-militsia-cars and an ambulance etc. Jan and I rolled over and went back to sleep-this is Russia.
The next morning there was blood on the steps and two landings. After two days of walking over the mess (and the rubber glove the medics left, I washed it up-yuck. Finally after a couple of days the neighbor, Sergey, came over to explain and ask for our help. The neighbor between us brought a great big friend and when Sergey opened his door (mistake number one) the big guy came in and drug his wife (Who had complained in the past about loud music and yelling) out of bed and beat on her (her blood on the steps etc.). They thumped Sergey good and a neighbor that tried to help was put in the hospital.
Wellllll, today Sergey said the TV station was writing an article on violence and wanted to talk to us. Sure enough camera and newsman arrived. I really didn't want to get involved but I felt I needed to support the neighbors. I think the bad guy has moved on. One question was, "in America what would the police have done". I said I think they would go to jail facing many charges. He said here the man was fined 500 rubles ($14).
The common people are very concerned over the lack control over the non-law abiding folks.
I need to tell you that the neighbors are great. The people in general are great. This was an isolated incident that could have happened anywhere.
Well bed time-some of us have to go to work tomorrow.
Ivan reporting to you about life in Russia-live from Vladivostok. Morrie

Monday, February 16, 2009

Evgeny is one of the contacts here in Vlad. He invited us to the apt. he shares with his mother and she fixed blini, what we would call "crepes". Yum! She is a cute little lady and made us feel very welcome. There apartment is very simple and very Russian. If you have read Morrie's account of the events leading to the visit, you'll know how happy we were to get here safely and with the backpack!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sunday with Ivan

What a wonderful Sunday morning meeting we had. Ian thought it would be ok for us to have the emblems here at the apt. Soooo nice. Sad part was Vasilisa was out of town on business and Natasha was ????? It is so good being here with the girls, Annette and Karyn. The Fellowship is very rewarding.
After meeting and visiting it was lunchtime and a nap for all but Jan; she was making cookies to take to Evgeny's home for dinner with he and his mom, Tamara. It is a long bus ride, one transfer, to his home so he met us halfway and led us to his stop. As the bus was pulling out, the fumes still swirling around our noses, I exclaimed " my backpack is still on the bus". It contained the hymn books and the cookies. Someone said, "get a taxi". We ran over to a waiting taxi. Evgeny pushed me into the back seat and yelled to the driver, "follow that bus and go fast!" The tires spun on the ice and Annette was left holding the door handle (she let go) yelling "but he doesn't speak Russian".
Meantime, I am in the middle of the back seat leaning over trying to say the bus number-soccor diver or sotok divy or ...Finally I came up with sorek deivit (49) as he pulled up behind number 82. We we slip sliding on as I thought is this a French Kidnapping movie or what. A few blocks later we pulled in behind smoken 49. I jumped out before the taxi stopped, slipped on the ice, fell down, lost my hat, recovered and jumped on the bus as the door was closing. I yelled "halte" which would be ok but I am not in Mexico. Everyone stared. Then I said "pashalsta, pashalsta" (please) and ran to the back of the bus a grabbed my backpack, said spaseba (thank you) and jumped off the bus. I later thought I am glad no one beat me up thinking I was a terrorist. There was the driver, with my hat in his hand. When we returned to the bus stop all I had was a 1000 ruble note for the 200 rb fare. So we had to drive to a store that would make change.
The evening with Evgeny and his mother went well, normalna, after that. We enjoyed the cookies and had a nice sing. When Jan told Evgeny's mom about me she said," that's just the way this day had been-My Blini's (crepe) didn't turn out well either. I hope you you day was a good one. Morrie

Friday, February 13, 2009

Another day in Russia

Today started out rainy, but by the time Karyn and I got through class it had begun to snow. We managed to walk to the hotel for the English/Bible read but snow was still falling. We left the hotel about 8:15 and the buses had stopped running! Everything is beautiful! All of the dirty snow has been covered up and now it's sparkling. We took a taxi home and celebrated Valentine's eve with hot chocolate, popcorn and a game of Rummikub!

We may be snowed in tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A day in the life of Ivan.
Yesterday was the delivery day for a skoff (wardrobe, armoir ?) that we had purchased for Karyn. They do not have closets here, a hook on the back of the door will do just fine, thank you. At the used store we tried to negotiate a price-neyt; free delivery- neyt, fix the magnetic hinge- sure. On delivery day here they came pushing in, no knock (someone had forgotten to lock the door) andonly 15 min. late, a near miricle for Russia. Up and down the 3 levels with parts. Everything piled in Karyn's room and a dash for the door. Annette said wait! You haven't assembled it. For a fee we will. But it was in one piece when we bought it. Sorry we don't have time. Then take it back. You will have to go to the store and tell the lady and she will deal with it. Then with the speed of Dancer and Prancer they were down the stairs and gone. Not exactly what we had hoped for but at least it did give me an afternoon project. (of course the magnetic hinge was not fixed silly, but a shelf bracket had been broken)
A day in the life of Ivana.
Same store but a few weeks ago.
Annette picked out a skoff for her bedroom (our living room dining room). Same crew, same story. All the parts necessary for a complete skoff, doors and shelves unassembled. We will put it together for 1000 rubles. No way, you should do it for free..... With the speed of a couple of scared street dogs they were off and out of the apt. It did give Annette something to do with here time.
Hope you are enjoying your time as much as we are. Morrie

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Well, here we are! Right in our flat in Vladivostok. We stayed home this weekend and the workers, Annette and Karyn took the train to Nathotka for mtg. It's about a four hour trip and they'll come back on Tues. I've had a little trouble "blogging" because everything has been appearing in Russian! There always seems to be a trial of our patience here! Two weeks ago we had a "technician" come to put in DSL so we could use Skype. Unfortunately, only one computer could use it at a time and to set the girls up, we'd have to have another technician. Annette remembered a man she'd met that worked on computers and we called him. After buying another router and having him here for several hours, he said he'd have to finish later. So far we have spent about $500! what else is money for. Good thing Morrie has been saving all of those rubles by using free tyalets!