Monday, March 30, 2009

The Nahodka family

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Ivan goes undercover

Dear All,
Yes, Ivan went under the towel actually. For a steam vaporizer treatment. I have a lousy cold and have lost my voice. Imagine me not being able to talk. It has brought smiles to many.
Last weekend I probably should have stayed home but the thought of missing the Nahodka meeting was to much. We had such a good time with them. Ivan Shackleton will be there for convention and they are anxious for that day. He labored there for years. Gennady is so humble and a real help. Vasilisa was with us. She is missed from there as she now works and lives in Vlad.
Annette had to interpret my whisper then put it into Russian, poor thing. The bus ride was long and crowded, actually over booked. I didn't really want to share my seat for 4 hours. The poor driver was trying to sort it out while a drunk demanded a seat. Easy solution-the driver called the police and the drunk hit the trail before they came. All things work for the patient and off we went. We spent the night in a converted apt. It was nice.
The 10 or so students in the Sun. pm class participate well and are steady.
I have finished up with my classes and am relaxing for a couple of days. It went very well.
Well folks, I'm ready to hit the sack. The girls and I went for a Georgian dinner---sooo good.
Good night to all.... comrade morrie

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ivan and Ivana ride the rails...

Dear All,
Well you are probably thinking we were run out of town on a rail but don't be so pessimistic.
We just had the trip of a lifetime-although we do hope to see our friend Anton again somewhere. We just returned from an uplifting weekend. They all are but this just seemed a bit extra special. Anton is a young professing man going to school in Blagoveshensk, on the Chinese boarder. He speaks fluent Russian, nul dah, Chinese and English. We arrived there on Sat. morning and left Monday evening and squeezed in a few studies and S. morning meeting. Anton was very helpful. He spent a year in the U.S. , Iowa, a year or two ago. He met the workers on Sakalin Is. in their Eng./Bible classes. His family does not profess but am told they are very nice people. Anton took us around town and bartered for us in the markets. The Chinese have several prices in mind when you look interested in something.
It feel so good to meet someone I had been praying for.
One morning at breakfast 4 Chinese men sat at a table near us counting money-lots. They were rubber banding 1 inch thick piles of 5ooo ruble notes, (35 rubles per dollar) and stacking the bundles in 6 or 7 inch piles. Either they were lucky at the tables or a local bank just went down the tubes.
The 30 hour train ride, plaush cartne, over was a hoot. As soon as the 20 or so high school students heard English we were inundated with students. It was nonstop English class for most of the trip. An Army major, tank commander, heard us and I think he spent more time with us than the students. Denis loved hunting and fishing so between sign language, note book pictures and limited language we had a time of it. He bought us a beautiful fishing calendar when he gave me a brief tour of Habarovsk, a one hour stop. When we got to Blago he insisted on hanging around to make sure this friend that we had never met would show up. Several students that we met introduced us to their mothers.
The trip home went slower as their were no students. Lots of nice people tho.
It was sad leaving Anton but he is another one of God's children out in the middle of nowhere that God is keeping. Remember him---and Him.
Annette, Karyn and everyone in the Vlad/Nahodka field are doing fine.
I will make an attempt to get a picture or two with this.
Paca, Paca, Moi druzya Morrie

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

pictures unwilling to appear with the story

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Ivan goes incognito..

Drosvootsya fellow comrades,

Things here in the Far East are normalna. Do you remember that in a past blog I mentioned the TVKGB dropping in to interview me, and the neighbors?
Well, Sergey came and got us to watch the news Monday at noon-The National News. There it was...Yikes. While we watched his phone rang off the hook with his friends calling. Today a teacher from the Uni even called and said they were so concerned and, "why hadn't I told them". Hey, this is Russia. The news talked about what a problem that crime is. It sounds like the police don't get too excited about Russian to Russian problems. I was assured by one man not to worry because as a foreigner they don't want the embarrassment so would be more active. Great consolation.

The man on top is the news broadcaster-Tom Brokaw type. The next picture is Ellie with her new Tazer gun. Then I am explaining the action (I should have left the blood on the stairs and wall for the camera). Then Ellie is talking to the police. Tonight Sergey called again-you're on the news again. It had played at noon, at 6 and at 10. There was also a block meeting tonight, out on the front steps. I don't speak Russian and it was cold so I stayed in. Hope it is over.

Ivan is thinking of going incognito for the next week or so. I can wear Jan's long black down coat, Karyn's hat, Annette's dark glasses and Vasilisa high heeled boots.
Things really are going well. The girls are very busy with School, contacts and meetings. As "houseboy" I install new light fixtures because they no longer make bulbs to replace the burned out ones, clean, shop, clean boots and other misc. high level jobs. Teaching 7th and 8th graders a couple days a week is my latest challenge.

Well, so I can go to sleep and you can wake up I will stop for this 'ol blog.
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Friday, March 6, 2009

Women's day

Privyet Comrades,
Well the biggest and best holiday in Russia is in progress. Russia borrowed this holiday from Germany centuries ago as I understand. It is in honor of the Women all across Russia for all the work that they do. (shhhhhhh) Don't tell them but it is a plot so the men can party and drink somemore. They throw in some flowers and candy for the women and let them go home early.
Yesterday at the Uni the English dept. staff (all women) had me stay for their party and snacks. Another American that has been at this school for two years gave each woman a "candy kiss" and a short speech. I figured I couldn't top that so I ate somemore goodies. Then they insisted I come to the big show in the Uni theater. It was worth it. Lots of Russian costumes and dances. Where is my camera when I need it. They proudly told me that some of the dancers were my students. The Uni president got up and gave a very flowery (traditional) speech that the the women loved. The celebrations start early on Friday (Actual date is 8 March, Sunday) and continues through Monday. The country pretty much will be shut down. Soooooo HAPPY WOMEN'S DAY to each and every one of you beautiful, industrious, bright eyed, hard working wonderful, tremendously absolutely fantastic women. You are the center of man's well being and make it possible for us to survive on this troublesome earth. Now we will all go out for a drink-orange juice of course - while you get back to work.
Today (Sat.) we will have a young couple that Annette has met over for lunch. The girls will have to leave early to catch their bus back to Nahodka. They are having very good interest in their Sun. afternoon English from the Bible class. Later today Jan and I are invited to the annual party at the American consul. Nothing like a free chili dinner to treat my lovely, hard working, Russian speaking, studious, faithful, supportive, fantastic etc. wife to on Women's day. Free dinner, my shout (Aussie for my treat).
Have a wonderful day. Your brother (brat) in Him, Morrie
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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Ivan's big day

Hello all,
Many men in
Russia think they are left out but nyet, no they are not. Veteran's day has come and gone. On our way home from Nahodka a week ago I thought that Vasilisa and Jan were a bit secretive. They wanted to shop for some groceries, normalna. Pink icing???? Then Late that night I happened to catch Vasilisa working in the kitchen, hmmm. Well the next day my surprise came. A celebration for me-the only man here at the moment. It was a delicious cake. It was difficult to save some for the next day when Annette and Karyn would arrive; but I did.
I wonder if it is a setup. Women's day is this coming Sunday, 8 March. I am out numbered.
This Sat. we are invited to the American Consul for the yearly Americans party. It is a Chili cookoff. Sounds like a great Women's day surprise to me.
Today is the normalna-more classes for all of us.

Men's day

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Sunday, March 1, 2009

Spring in Vladivostok

The calendar says it's spring, March 1, but the thermometer says it's still winter! However, the cold weather didn't stop the ladies from getting out for the festivities and a little visiting. Don't put those fur coats away just yet~~~
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